Storiesrus: Author WOLF GRAY

 I can’t help but think how the world we live in is full of ignorance.  As history has it, it’s nothing new.  It’s very frustrating at times.  Hearing people in society saying and believing “Muslims are all terrorists” or when they hear a nationality mentioned where ISLAMIC  faith is very high first thing they is an individual with a suicide vest  or dying in the name of GOD and their FAITH.  Better yet murderers of Americans but no one wants to remember THE HOLOCAUST, THE AMERICAN MASSACRE OF THE RED INDIANS, and THE FRENCH MASSACRE THE ALGERIAN MUSLIMS.  It’s unfortunate that a certain group of people can put an image to all of muslims around the WORLD and label them in a disgusting way.  However GOD doesn’t condone SUICIDE for the sake of him and RELIGION or anything else.

 I call these TERRORIST CELLS “victims” because they are victims to wrong KNOWLEDGE and wrong upbringing.  It doesn’t just happen overnight, its years of being fed the poison and all the HATE.  From the time they are able to read, write and listen this poison is injected into they’re minds.  They become puppets for their Sheiks who later hands them over to be brainwashed infidels.  These individuals do SUICIDE BOMBS, BOSTON MARATHON.  To attempt to kill a massive amount of people is a victim we are all GOD’S MASTERPIECES.   My prayer goes for everyone affected by this tragedy.


Storiesrus:  Author WOLF GRAY


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